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; $VER: ElasticDreams_Install 1.000 (04.02.98) ; Script to install ElasticDreams Version 1.0 (complete 0) (user 1) ;============================================================================= ; English strings (set default_lang 4) (set #bad-kick "ElasticDreams needs Amiga-OS 3.0 or higher") (set SelectDir1Msg (cat "Please select a directory\nto install ElasticDreams in" ) ) (Set ProgMsg (cat "Which parts should i install?" ) ) (set Choice1Msg "ElasticDreams Mainprogram (8 MB)") (set Choice2Msg "ElasticDreams Tools (1 MB)") (set Choice3Msg "ElasticDreams Instruction (200 KB)") (set FPU1Msg "None") (set FPU2Msg "Yes, this machine is with FPU") (set CPU1Msg "MC68000") (set CPU2Msg "MC68030") (set CPU3Msg "MC68040") (set CPU4Msg "MC68060") (set CPU5Msg "PPC603/604") (set CPUMsg "What CPU does the machine have that you are installing ElasticDreams Pro?") (set UpDategraf "Checking and updating graffiti.library, if needed...") (set InstallElasticDreamsProg "Installing ElasticDreams professional main program...") (set InstallLoader "Installing loader...") (set InstallSaver "Installing saver...") (set InstallOperator "Installing Operator files...") (set InstallViewer "Installing viewers...") (set InstallGuide "Installing Guide-File...") (set InstallTools "Installing Tools...") (set InstallBG "Installing Background...") (set InstallImages "Installing Images...") (set AssignAdd1 (cat "\nAdding the ElasticDreams assignment to s:user-startup - it currently looks like this:\n\n%s\n\n" (cat "assign ElasticDreams: " ElasticDreamsDir) ) ) ;============================================================================= ; German strings (if (= @language "deutsch") ( (set default_lang 2) (set #bad-kick "ElasticDreams benötigt mindestens Amiga-OS 3.0 oder höher") (set SelectDir1Msg (cat "Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis, wo Sie ElasticDreams " "installieren möchten. Ein Verzeichnis mit den " "Namen ElasticDreams wird automatisch angelegt!" ) ) (Set ProgMsg (cat "\nWelche Dateien sollen installiert werden?\n" ) ) (set Choice1Msg "ElasticDreams Hauptprogramm (ca. 8 MB)") (set Choice2Msg "ElasticDreams Tools (ca. 1 MB)") (set Choice3Msg "ElasticDreams Anleitung (ca. 200 KB)") (set FPU1Msg "Keine vorhanden") (set FPU2Msg "ja, FPU vorhanden") (set CPU1Msg "MC68000") (set CPU2Msg "MC68030") (set CPU3Msg "MC68040") (set CPU4Msg "MC68060") (set CPU5Msg "PPC603/604") (set CPUMsg "Welchen Prozessor besitzt der Computer, auf dem Sie ElasticDreams installieren möchten?") (set UpDategraf "Prüfe und Erneuere die graffiti.library, wenn nötig...") (set InstallElasticDreamsProg "Installiere ElasticDreams Version 2.0 Hauptprogramm...") (set InstallLoader "Installiere Lademodule...") (set InstallSaver "Installiere Speichermodule...") (set InstallOperator "Installiere Bildbearbeitungsmodule...") (set InstallViewer "Installiere Anzeigemodule...") (set InstallGuide "Installiere Guide-Datei...") (set InstallTools "Installiere Werkzeuge...") (set InstallBG "Installiere Hintergrund...") (set InstallImages "Installing Bilder...") (set AssignAdd1 (cat "\nFüge ElasticDreams Zuweisung an s:user-startup - Es würde wie folgt Aussehen:\n\n%s\n\n" (cat "assign ElasticDreams: " ElasticDreamsDir) ) ) ) ) (if (> (* 39 65536) (getversion "exec.library" (resident))) (abort #bak-kick) ) (welcome) (set old_level @user-level) (user 2) (if ( < (exists "ElasticDreams:" (noreq)) 2) ( (set target (askdir (prompt SelectDir1Msg) (help #which-dir-help) (default "SYS:") )) (set ElasticDreamsDir (tackon target "ElasticDreams")) ) ) (if (exists "ElasticDreams:" (noreq)) ( (set target "ElasticDreams:") (set ElasticDreamsDir "ElasticDreams:") ) ) (user old_level) (set WAS (askoptions (prompt ProgMsg) (help @askchoice-help) (choices Choice1Msg Choice2Msg Choice3Msg) (default 7) ) ) (set MainDirPPC (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "MainPPC")) (set LoaderDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Loader")) (set LoaderDirPPC (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "LoaderPPC")) (set OperatorDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Operator")) (set OperatorDirPPC (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "OperatorPPC")) (set ViewerDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Viewer")) (set SaverDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Saver")) (set ToolsDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Tools")) (set DocDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Docs")) (set ImagesDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Images")) (set BackgroundDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Background")) (set BackgroundSmallDir (tackon ElasticDreamsDir "Background/Small")) (If (IN WAS 0) ( (set CPU (askchoice (prompt CPUMsg) (help @askchoice-help) (choices CPU1Msg CPU2Msg CPU3Msg CPU4Msg CPU5Msg) (default 1) ) ) (set FPU (askchoice (prompt FPUMsg) (help @askchoice-help) (choices FPU1Msg FPU2Msg) (default 1) ) ) (if ( < (exists ElasticDreamsDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir ElasticDreamsDir (prompt "Creating ElasticDreams directory...") (help @makedir-help) (infos) ) ) (complete 10) (if ( < (exists LoaderDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir LoaderDir (prompt "Creating Loader directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 11) (if ( < (exists ViewerDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir ViewerDir (prompt "Creating Viewer directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 12) (if ( < (exists BackgroundDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir BackgroundDir (prompt "Creating Background directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 13) (if ( < (exists BackgroundSmallDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir BackgroundSmallDir (prompt "Creating BackgroundSmall directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 14) (if ( < (exists SaverDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir SaverDir (prompt "Creating Saver directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 15) (if ( < (exists ToolsDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir ToolsDir (prompt "Creating Tools directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 16) (if ( < (exists OperatorDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir OperatorDir (prompt "Creating Operator directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 17) (if ( < (exists ImagesDir (noreq) ) 2) (makedir ImagesDir (prompt "Creating Images directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 18) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Font files...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Fonts/") (dest "FONTS:") (all) (confirm) ) (If (IN WAS 2) ( (complete 20) (if (= default_lang 4) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Copy ElasticDreams...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "ElasticDreamsEnglish") (dest ElasticDreamsDir) (newname "ElasticDreams") (confirm) ) )) (if (= default_lang 2) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Kopiere ElasticDreams...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "ElasticDreamsDeutsch") (dest ElasticDreamsDir) (newname "ElasticDreams") (confirm) ) ) ) ) ) (complete 26) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing ElasticDreams Icon...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "ElasticDreams.info") (dest ElasticDreamsDir) (confirm) ) (If (IN WAS 2) ( (complete 28) (if (= default_lang 4) ( (complete 30) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing ElasticDreams SmallBackground...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background English/Small/") (dest BackgroundSmallDir) (all) (confirm) ) (complete 34) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Composer Background...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background English/Compose Blank") (dest BackgroundDir) (newname "BGCompose") (confirm) ) (complete 36) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Elastic Background...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background English/Elastic Blank") (dest BackgroundDir) (newname "BGElastic") (confirm) ) (complete 38) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Manager Background...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background English/Background Manager") (dest BackgroundDir) (newname "BGManager") (confirm) ) )) (if (= default_lang 2) ( (complete 30) (copyfiles (prompt "Installiere ElasticDreams Hintergrund...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background Deutsch/Small/") (dest BackgroundSmallDir) (all) (confirm) ) (complete 34) (copyfiles (prompt "Installiere Composer Hintergrund...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background Deutsch/Compose Blank") (dest BackgroundDir) (newname "BGCompose") (confirm) ) (complete 36) (copyfiles (prompt "Installiere Elastic Hintergrund...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background Deutsch/Elastic Blank") (dest BackgroundDir) (newname "BGElastic") (confirm) ) (complete 38) (copyfiles (prompt "Installiere Manager Hintergrund...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Background Deutsch/Background Manager") (dest BackgroundDir) (newname "BGManager") (confirm) ) ) ) ) ) (complete 39) (If (= CPU 0) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Operator files...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Operator68k/") (dest OperatorDir) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing loader...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Loader68000/") (dest LoaderDir) (all) (confirm) ) ) ) (If (= CPU 1) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Operator files...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Operator68k/") (dest OperatorDir) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing loader...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Loader68030/") (dest LoaderDir) (all) (confirm) ) ) ) (If (= CPU 2) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Operator files...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Operator68k/") (dest OperatorDir) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing loader...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Loader68040/") (dest LoaderDir) (all) (confirm) ) ) ) (If (= CPU 3) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Operator files...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Operator68k/") (dest OperatorDir) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing loader...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Loader68060/") (dest LoaderDir) (all) (confirm) ) ) ) (If (= CPU 4) ( (complete 40) (if ( < (exists OperatorDirPPC (noreq) ) 2) (makedir OperatorDirPPC (prompt "Creating OperatorPPC directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 41) (if ( < (exists LoaderDirPPC (noreq) ) 2) (makedir LoaderDirPPC (prompt "Creating LoaderPPC directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (complete 42) (if ( < (exists MainDirPPC (noreq) ) 2) (makedir MainDirPPC (prompt "Creating MainPPC directory...") ; (help @makedir-help) ) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing loader...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Loader604/") (dest LoaderDir) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing loaderppc...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "LoaderPPC/") (dest LoaderDirPPC) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Operator files...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Operator604/") (dest OperatorDir) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing operatorppc...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "OperatorPPC/") (dest OperatorDirPPC) (all) (confirm) ) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing mainppc...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "MainPPC/") (dest MainDirPPC) (all) (confirm) ) ) ) (complete 43) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing saver...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Saver/") (dest SaverDir) (all) (confirm) ) (IF (= FPU 1) ( (complete 45) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing OperatorFPU files...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "OperatorFPU/") (dest OperatorDir) (all) (confirm) ) ) ) (complete 50) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing viewers...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Viewer/") (dest ViewerDir) (all) (confirm) ) (complete 68) (startup "ElasticDreams" (prompt ("\nAdding the ElasticDreams assignment to s:user-startup - it currently looks like this:\n\n%s\n\n" (cat "assign ElasticDreams: " ElasticDreamsDir) ) ) (help @startup-help) (command (cat "assign ElasticDreams: " ElasticDreamsDir)) ) ) ) (complete 70) (If (IN WAS 1) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Tools...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Tools/") (dest ToolsDir) (all) (infos) (confirm) ) ) ) (If (IN WAS 2) ( (complete 75) (if (= default_lang 4) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Copying instruction...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Instruction/") (dest DocDir) (infos) (all) (confirm) ) )) (if (= default_lang 2) ( (copyfiles (prompt "Kopiere Anleitung...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "Anleitung/" ) (dest DocDir) (infos) (all) (confirm) ) ) ) ) ) (complete 90) (copyfiles (prompt "Installing Images...") (help @copyfiles-help) (source "ImagesMain/") (dest ImagesDir) (all) (confirm) ) (complete 98) (copylib (prompt UpDategraf) (help @copylib-help) (source "libs/graffiti.library") (dest "libs:") (confirm) ) (run "c:assign ElasticDreams: " ElasticDreamsDir (prompt "Assign ElasticDreams...") (help "Keine Hilfe verfügbar.") ) (complete 100)